
中山职业技术学院 简介
中山职业技术学院(www.zspt.cn)是一所省市共管、以市为主,面向社会,面向市场,培养高素质技能型人才的公办全日制普通高等学校。筹建于2005年,2006年6月正式挂 牌成立,2010年6月顺利通过教育部人才培养工作评估。学院占地面积620亩,建筑面积19.2万平方米。校园环境幽雅、文风浓郁、设施齐全,拥有各类 图书共计68.37万册。
中山职业技术学院(www.zspt.cn)目前全日制学生7000余人,成人教育在籍学生5000余人,毕业生就业率连续三年超过98%,居省内高校前列。2008至2010年学院师生专利授权 量均居广东高职院校第一名。坚持学历教育与技能培训并重思路办学,为中山市经济社会发展提供人才支撑;积极开展对外合作办学,先后和英国、澳大利亚、德国 等多个国家知名大学建立合作关系。
学 院积极探索“政校企合作”人才培养模式,与数百家企业开展深度合作。“中山市服务业实用型人才培养基地”、“全国电梯行业首批特有工种职业技能鉴定站”等 先后挂牌成立,30家市内行业协会进驻学院,数十家企业与学院联合开办人才培养订单班,70多名教师成为省、市级科技特派员。2011年,学院“政校企合 作”人才培养体制改革试点方案获省教育厅批复同意。
An Introduction of Zhongshan Polytechnic
Zhongshan Polytechnic, a public full-time institute co-managed provincially and municipally, trains advanced-level technicians serving the society and the market. Founded in 2005 and established in June 2006, Zhongshan Polytechnic steadily passed the Personnel Training Assessment of the Ministry of Education in June 2010. With a total area of 102 acres, half of which is the building area, the college is located in a quiet and beautiful setting, promoting an active learning environment with well-equipped facilities and a college library collection of over 683,700 books.
Eight departments in the college include Mechanical Engineering, Electronic and Information Engineering, Computer Engineering, Business Management, Art Design, Chemical Engineering, General Education, and Continuing Education. Under the guidance of “One Town, One Product, One Major”, the college has established 33 majors in close connections to local industries, among which Elevator Maintenance and Operation, Lighting Crafts and Design, and Digital Media Design and Production are the first majors established in the nation.
There are around 7,000 full-time students and 5,000 adult education students enrolled in the college. Graduate placement rate has reached 98% for three years in a roll, topping the majority of schools in the province. In 2008 and 2009, the number of patent applications ranked the third among all universities and colleges in the province. Education on theories and practicality is equally emphasized. International connections have also been established with top universities in England, Australia, and Germany.
The college also focuses on attracting renowned professionals with top qualifications into the faculty pool. Faculty members are encouraged to integrate book knowledge with field experience in their teaching. International exchange programs are also offered to the faculty. More than 300 teachers have double qualifications, and over 100 visiting professors are hired, the most famous of whom are Leshan Ma, the world-renowned craftsman, and Chuanwei Zhang, president of Yangming Wind Power Corporation.
The college explores a training mode (GCE) that immerses students in a learning environment integrating the government (G), the college (C), and the enterprise (E), and has cooperated with hundreds of corporations. The college has been honored the Training Base of Zhongshan Technicians for Service Industry and the Assessment Facility of National Elevator Technicians. More than 10 corporations have agreed to the direct recruitment program, and around 70 faculty members are qualified as provincial/municipal technician specialists. In 2011, GCE was approved by the provincial Department of Education.
The college follows the guidance of scientific development, implements education reforms, and aims to train high-level technicians, building a one-of-a-kind modern professional institute.